Quizzes Trivia Who Said It?

Finish the Star Wars Line

With a franchise as beloved as Star Wars, there are countless quotes to choose from. Here are just a few. Can you complete the popular lines? 

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Finish the Star Wars Line

How well do you know the Star Wars movies? Complete the lines below.

1 / 11

Something inside me has always been there. But now it's awake. And _______. 

2 / 11

I'll never turn to the dark side. You've failed, your highness. I am a ___, like my father before me.

3 / 11

Help me, ______. You're my only hope.

4 / 11

Chewie, we're ____. 

5 / 11

Leia- I love you.

Han- ______


6 / 11

Never tell me _____! 

7 / 11

I find your lack of ______ disturbing. 

8 / 11

It's a ____! 

9 / 11

No. I ___ your father. 

10 / 11

So this is how ____ dies. With thunderous applause. 

11 / 11

Do. Or ______. There is no try. 

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The average score is 82%
