Disney Movies Easter Eggs Pixar

Finding Nemo Easter Eggs

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming…just keep swimming through these Easter Eggs because there is a TON! 


There’s that number again! If you saw our Toy Story post, you might remember that A113 is a reference to the classroom number at the California Institute of Art, where many of the Pixar animators studied. 


The misunderstood but loveable shark has two noteworthy Easter Eggs, the first being his name. As a great white shark, it was only fitting to name him after the animatronic great white in Jaws. He also is given a famous line (which he makes his own) from another famous moving. “Here’s Johnny!” from The Shining becomes, “Here’s Brucey!”

42 Wallaby Way

Who can forget when Dory finally remembered! P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney, Australia is a small salute to stop-motion animation. Someone at Pixar must be a fan of the stop-motion animation series starring Wallace and Gromit! 

Sunny Atlantis

Sunny Atlantis was the mermaid from Pixar’s 1989 short, Knick Knacks. She can be seen as the figurehead of the ship found in Dr. Sherman’s fish tank. 

Tiki Statues

Speaking of fish tank, there are three Tiki Statues that were inspired by three Pixar employees. 


Did anyone else notice that Peach the starfish has a star on her back?! I didn’t! It is small treasures like this that Pixar is famous for! 

And since we are on the topic of treasure, Phillip Sherman’s office is a treasure trove of eggs!

Toy Story Toys

You can’t have a toy chest without Toy Story toys! Check out Buzz, a plane, and the Pixar ball. Kudos to whoever spotted the Pixar ball! 

Monsters Inc.

Monsters Inc. was the movie released right before Nemo, so naturally, we can find little gems throughout the office. Like this book, that you can actually purchase! 

Or a replica of Boo’s mobile from her room. It had quite a journey from Sully’s back, to the toilet, before being shoved into George Sanderson’s locker. 

That poor monster couldn’t catch a break! 

Drawing- This one absolutely blew my mind! There is a drawing that is hung up in the exam room. It is assumed to be from Darla, Dr. Sherman’s niece…OR IS IT?! The same drawing is hanging up in Boo’s  (real name Mary) room. Could she have given it to him? Is he her dentist?! 

Pixar’s Home Base

Pixar Studios is located in Emeryville, California. A cute post card can be found hanging up in the exam room and it appears that the artificial tank plants were made there.  

Mr. Incredible

While The Incredibles would not be released until the following year, Mr. Incredible can be seen on a comic that a boy in the waiting room is reading. 

If you look closely at mom’s newspaper, Dr. Sherman has taken out an advertisement for his office and there is also a strange baby beard ad next to it


Dr. Sherman has proudly displayed his diploma along with other achievements he has earned. 

Andrew Stanton

The director of Finding Nemo, and also the voice of Crush, snuck in some cool nods to his home town. The two lighthouses can be found off Cape Ann and the painting is a famous subject for many artists, called Motif #1.

Jelly Fish

Let’s dive back into the ocean with a classic hidden Mickey!


Andrew Stanton voicing Crush isn’t the only egg. Someone notice that the youngest sea turtles have flower patterns on their shells that resemble Hawaiian shirts…righteous, righteous!


The boats found in Sydney Harbor have some pretty special names. One is named after the Pixar short, For the Birds, while Jerome’s Raft is named after a sculpture with Pixar and the Aeolus 3 is named after Andrew’s father’s boat. 

Sunken Boat

Did you know that the net scene was based off of an event that happened in real life?! Instead of the entire boat going down, Pixar had the pole break. 


Here is another early show. The first Cars movie would be release three years later, in 2006, but that did not stop animators from sneaking in Luigi!

Pizza Planet

A Pixar movie would not be complete without the Pizza Planet truck! This famous egg can be seen at the end of the film when all of the fish were escaping from Dr. Sherman’s fish tank. 

Well there you have it! This Pixar classic was filled with awesome Easter Eggs! Which one was your favorite and which one really surprised you? Let us know! 

Take us away Mike!

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