Foodie Fridays Hollywood Studios Quizzes One Day to Eat at Hollywood Studios! October 16, 2020 offstagewdw One day to eat at Hollywood Studios! Vacation has arrived and you are spending the day at Hollywood Studious. What do you decide to eat? You can only pick one for each question. You have arrived at the park and you need a post breakfast snack to hold you over until lunch. Which do you choose? The afternoon is hot and your stomach is grumbling. What do you get for lunch? So much walking! Better grab a snack! Dinner time!!! Dessert- I am so going to regret this.... Ready to send Share this:FacebookPinterestRedditTwitterTumblrWhatsAppPrintLike this:Like Loading... Similar Posts Who Voices the Character? March 27, 2021March 28, 2021 offstagewdw Who Said It? Love Edition February 13, 2021 offstagewdw