Disney Movies Pixar Quizzes Trivia Who Said It?

Who Said It? Toy Story Edition

In this world, toys are living things with some very lovable & unique personalities! Some are full of wisdom, while others are comedic relief. We are going to give you a quote- choose which character you think said it! 


Wow, you really know your stuff!

Oh darn it! Hang in there, you’ll do better next time!

#1. This wisecracking character is always at the ready with a quick remark.

#2. This somewhat naive character often shows unintentional wisdom.

#3. This toy's absent-mindedness often causes a laugh or two.

#4. This loyal bunch will do anything for the one who saved their lives.

#5. This sassy gal knows how to take care of herself.

#6. This funny guy always offers comedic relief!

#7. This character is known for his theatrical flair.

#8. This good-natured character is loyal through and through.

#9. This adventurous character is often times the most level-headed.

#10. This friend was quick to show his loyalty, even if he DID doubt him.


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