Disney Movies Easter Eggs

One Hundred and One Dalmatians Easter Eggs

Puppies, so many adorable spotted puppies!! One Hundred and One Dalmatians was Disney’s 15th animated film. Even back in 1961, animators were putting in Easter Eggs. The most popular one that can be found throughout the film is…

Hidden Mickeys

Hidden Mickeys can be found in various spots on the puppies and on Pongo’s shoulder, as well as on the title screen at the start of the movie.

Silly Symphonies

In one scene, the pups can be seen watching Springtime from the 1929 Silly Symphonies.

Lady and the Tramp

Lady and the Tramp was released prior to 101 Dalmatians in 1955 and since both films take place in the streets of London, it makes sense that we see the loveable pups pop up in various scenes.

Peg and Butch from Tramp’s former gang, can be seen in Percy’s Pet Shop window. Looks like they were finally caught and will hopefully find a loving home soon! 

Jock, Lady and Tramp make their own appearance in the twilight bark scene. 

What’s My Crime?

Over at the delipidated de Vil mansion, we see Horace and Jasper watching a show called “What’s My Crime?” This is a reference to the real life game show, “What’s My Line?” that Walt Disney guest starred on in November of 1956. 

While there are not many, I love the special connection with “What’s My Crime” and Lady & The Tramp! I can’t wait to see what Easter Eggs they put in Cruella! 

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